Mice love warm engines in the fall and winter months.
I have found them in the heater system, under the hood and in the air cleaner box.
They love to bring food with them like bird seed or pet food..
Mice can do hundreds of dollars worth of damage to your wiring and plastic fuel lines.
Here are some tips to prevent Mice Damage.
Keep bird seed or pet food in metal containers in your garage.
Place bird feeders away from the area you park you car.
Look for mouse droppings inside your car, they find a way inside through any rubber door seals.
If the Heater Fan sounds loud you might have a mouse nest in it.
Check under the air filter for seeds, I have seen engines stop running due to so many seeds (lbs.) blocking the air intake into your engine.
The damage they do is from sharpening their teeth.
Moth balls or Ivory soap bars placed around a car is said to keep them away.
This pictures shows a nest on top of an engine.
Here is a picture of a mouse nest in a an air filter box.
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