Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Wallet Flush.Don't waste your money!

Okay, you are at the Quicky Lube for a normal oil change service and out comes the mechanic or sales manager with a sales pitch.

You need a new air filter and the transmission oil needs to be flushed. While you are here we should also flush out the engine, flush out the power steering fluid and change the antifreeze.

This can add up to hundreds of dollars and your car only has 25,000 miles on it.

Air Filters may be needed once a year if you live on a backwoods dirt road, high dust and dirt levels or inner city driving. Air filters usually last 30,000 miles. This is kind of a grey area and yes maybe you do need one. Have him shine a light through it and if you can't see light coming through you probably do need one.

All of the fluid change intervals are listed in the Owners Manual by mileage.
Do not fall for the "It's Preventive Maintenance" pitch.

NEVER allow your engine to be flushed as it can cause expensive problems later.

Many newer cars have Transmission fluids that last 100,000 miles. Do Not Flush it.

Power Steering fluid changes might be a good idea every 60,000 miles or whatever the owners manual says. Some Power Steering fluids last 100,000 miles.

Antifreeze flush. Bad idea as the pressure can cause leaks especially in the heater which can lead to very expensive repairs.

The Owners manual will say when it needs to be drained and replaced.

Brake fluid is dirty you are told. The only way to test brake fluid is with a moisture content tester. Brake fluid can be cloudy or discolored and still be fine.

Wallet Flushes have become a huge profit center for many Car Service shops, dealerships and independent garages.

Topping off all fluid levels using the correct fluids for you car is very important and levels should be checked monthly.

ASK QUESTIONS and do not allow the fear of a problem to overwhelm you.

Follow the owners manual, if you do not have a copy it can be downloaded in most cases from your carmakers website.

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